Ok, So why show Carbon Emission Data?

This is at the core of climate change and therefore a good place to start and data is avaliable to showcase.

Below you will see a graph of Ce2

Ok so how I think I will build this MVP system – get data from sources such as the ABS then plot that data using python and a database.

Now that we have the Carbon Emissions data from the ABS we need to make it transparent how this data came to be. The data comes from National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Quarterly Update: December 2023

1 Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e) emissions values are calculated using Global Warming Potential (GWP) values for a 100 year time
horizon from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). See Section 5: Technical Notes for
further detail. Actual emissions are presented when comparing emissions over the year or relative to a base year. This is consistent with
Australia’s international reporting requirements.
2 The emissions estimate for the year to December 2023 includes ABARES forecasts for both the record 2022-23 year, and for the 2023-24
year with lower animal numbers and crop production. This is why the emissions are higher than for the year to December 2022, even
though estimated agricultural activity has already begun to fall.

We want to see how the data is changing daily

to do this we need an API for some data sets